Examples of Min. Order Size & Price Tick

  • Min. Order Size quantity Examples.
    Set to 4 -> Can make an order to 0.0001 unit.
    Set to 0 -> Can make an order to 1 unit.
    Set to 1 -> Can make on order to 0.1 unit.

  • Price Tick digits Examples.
    Set to 5 -> The price of the token is displayed in 5 decimal places like 11.12345
    Set to 4 -> The price of the token is displayed in 4 decimal places like 11. 1234
    The minimum order size cannot be larger than the base token's decimals.
    The price tick size cannot be larger than the quote token's decimals.
    'Minimum order size' + 'Price Tick' cannot be equal or larger than the quote token decimals.
    Example; Your base token A's token decimal is set to 9. And pairing token A with USDC. USDC is a quote token and its' token decimal is 6.
    The minimum order size cannot be larger than 9.
    The price tick size cannot be larger than 6.
    'Minimum order size' + 'Price Tick' cannot be larger than 6 (quote token decimals).
    Therefore, you can make the minimum order size and price tick set to 1 and 4 (total 5, less than 6). However, cannot be 4 and 4 or 4 & 2 because the sum exceeds or equal 6.

Message team on twitter for clarity on how to calculate your Min. Order Size and Price Tick.